
Slow Season Leads to Advantageous Rates for Shippers

“The Cass Freight Index dropped by 5.3% from September to October, and the latest month’s reading was down 4.7% from a year earlier. It was the lowest October reading since 2011,” writes Robbie Whelan in the Wall Street Journal.

October and November tend to be some of the busiest shipping months of the year but thanks to “bloated inventory,” a weak import/export market, and a potential rate increase by the Fed, retailers and other businesses are foregoing their typical pre-holiday season orders.

As an industry where we make our living from people and companies shipping their goods from point A to point B we cannot help but wonder if this downturn will exacerbate the typically slow January-February or if there may be some unexpected reason for industry growth coming.

For those customers who are shipping, this downturn has rates in their favor.

Give Zion Transport a call today.

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