I’ve written about driver health before but this great article over at FleetOwner was good enough that I knew I needed to revisit the topic.
Benji Burns at one point weighed roughly 350 lbs. As a tanker truck driver, he had trouble getting up and down off his rig. He told himself one day, “You’re going to die, and you’re going to let a spoon and a fork kill you.”
Are you too heavy? Here are 4 simple tips you can follow to get to a healthier you:
- Skip the processed food (fresh produce is much healthier).
- Serve yourself smaller portions (even while working out, it’s hard to drop weight while continuing to eat a lot).
- Walk or exercise 30 minutes a day 4+ times a week (one can be thin and not be “in shape” we need to have our heart and lungs working well, working out strengthens those muscles).
- Cut out or dramatically cut back sodas (sugar-sodas have too many calories, and diet sodas retard your metabolism; the less soda the better).
Way to go Benji! Keep up with your fitness goals and progress! You can do it too.